Current Announcements
Abstract Preparation Rules and Author Guidelines:

Presentations will be presented as posters and oral.
Oral presentations can be presented in English or Turkish.
Abstracts will be sent to in both Turkish and English abstracts.
The points to be considered when submitting a paper are given below;

General Principles:
  • Papers will only be accepted from the congress e-mail address (, papers sent by mail or fax will not be evaluated.
  • Before submitting a paper, you must register in the online system.
  • Paper owners will be notified electronically that their abstracts have been received.
  • Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the congress scientific committee; the suitability of presenting the abstracts at the congress and their acceptance and presentation method will be decided by the Scientific Board.
  • One of the authors must have completed the congress registration process in order for the abstracts to be published in the Abstract Proceedings Book.
  • Original research and case reports will be accepted within the scope of the congress.
Evaluation of Abstract
  • The scientific committee of the congress will also act as a referee. Papers will be evaluated by a double blind referee process. After the papers go through the referee evaluation process, the papers will be accepted, rejected and, if necessary, corrections will be requested from the authors. Accepted papers will be presented at the congress.
  • Authors can choose the mode of presentation as oral or poster presentation when they upload their papers to the system. However, the way of presentation may change according to the evaluation result by the Congress Scientific Committee.
  • All correspondence regarding the papers entered into the system will be made with the author who uploaded the papers to the system.
Abstract Preparation Guidelines
  • The entire abstract should not exceed 500 words (excluding title name, author's name and surname, institution information and keywords).
  • Abstracts should be prepared in Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing and 12 point size.
  • The title of the abstract should reflect the content of the subject, be short and contain no abbreviations. The title should be written with the first letters of each word capitalized.
  • Academic titles should not be used in author names. Names should be written in lowercase letters, with only the first letter capitalized.
  • The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work (university name, faculty/department, province and country) must be stated.
  • The abstract should be understandable in terms of content and scope.
  • When it is necessary to use abbreviations in the abstract, the abbreviation should be stated in parentheses at the first mention.
  • Original research abstracts should be structured to include "introduction, purpose, materials, methods, results, conclusion" sections.
  • Case presentations should be structured to include "introduction, purpose, case(s), conclusion" sections for abstracts.
  • Keywords must consist of at least 3 and at most 5 words.
Oral Paper Features
  • All presentations will be presented in the order specified in the congress programme. Session information of your oral presentation will be sent to you.
  • Papers not presented at the meeting will not be published in the proceedings book.
  • A digital copy of the presentation files must be checked and handed to the person in charge in the hall before the session start time.
  • Oral presentation time is 7 minutes; 5 minutes will be allocated for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion.
  • The names of all authors should appear on the first slide of the presentation.
  • The name of the person presenting the oral presentation should be underlined.
  • Presentation titles should include Introduction and General Information, Objective, Materials, Methods, Results, Conclusion and References. Important references should be on the last slide.
  • It is recommended to prepare a maximum of 12-20 slides for the presentation and to add slide numbers to all slides.
  • Since the questions and discussions of the oral presentation will be held at the end of the session, the presenters should not leave the hall until the end of the session.
Poster Paper Features:
  • Poster papers should not be larger than A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) or smaller than A2 (420 mm X 594 mm).
  • The poster should include title, authors, institutions, main text sections.
  • Original research abstracts should be structured to include "introduction, purpose, materials, methods, results, conclusion" sections.
  • Case presentations should be structured to include "introduction, purpose, case(s), conclusion" sections for abstracts.
  • Keywords must consist of at least 3 and at most 5 words.
  • Figures and photographs can be used in colour to increase visual appeal.
  • Poster holders will exhibit their posters in printed form in the poster area during the congress.

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